Adult Martial Arts

At UMA Academy Robin Ryu we provide an excellent adult Martial Arts program from 18+. These classes take you on a Martial Arts journey where the individual learns how to defend themselves and strengthening their mind, body and spirit through the simple but lethal movements of the Robin RYU system.

We teach a black belt program that you can start from at any level in spite of fitness level and flexibility, our positive and empowering classes will help you to be a strong martial artist and to help build your character and your will to succeed in any area of your life, not just martial arts. Our goal is to make you a black belt in all walks of life.
Some individuals are afraid to take up Martial Arts because of the misconception that the art is violent, and people get hurt. We assure you that Martial Arts starts and ends with discipline, making your safety while training and doing exercises our number one priority.


Monday and Wednesday at 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Teens and Children’s Martial Arts

Our teens and kids program at UMA Academy is magnificent because we concentrate on not just the Martial Arts but also the mental and emotional development of every child that walks through our door.
We also focus on academic excellent to ensure balance in our student’s lives. The ROBIN RYU SYSTEM concentrates on education, character building, mental focus, self determination, high level of discipline, team work, self confidence, building strong self esteem and how to remain focused in school. These are useful in building a child’s mind and strengthens their character. As a result they grow into fine young men and women. Our program at UMA Academy Robin RYU system is excellent in overcoming ADHD and ADD.

At UMA we teach your child how to set goals and achieve them, and to not fail at the first sign of difficulty, hence our belt system. They learn that with discipline, hard work, and commitment nothing is impossible to attain in life. They are put in leadership roll classes to help them unfold their creativity and leadership skills. As a result of all this wonderful attributes they become more social and very empowering with and among their peers.



Monday and Wednesday at 4:15pm to 5:15pm

Tuesday and Thursday 4:00pm to 5:00pm


Monday and Wednesday 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Kick Boxing / Self Defense

If you want to build a strong body, release stress, get fit, learn how to defend yourself and your loved ones, and improve your overall health and wellness then our two in one classes are perfect for you at the UMA Academy Robin RYU system.

For this program you can start at any level. Don’t worry about your flexibility or fitness level. That’s our job! You just need to show up and we will do the rest. The classes are broken down to suit you then we build together. It is the perfect program for weight loss.


Tuesday and Thursday 6:00pm to 7:00pm.

Sunday 1:00pm to 2:00pm